Thursday, July 3, 2008

Samvedna contest rules

MADF presents before you the Samvedna contest. Each of the given pictures stands for a relevant social issue. Lend your voice and make these pictures talk!

Following are the guidelines for the contest:

• Entries can be in the form of WRITE-UPS OR POSTERS OR BOTH.
• Entries have to be based on one or more of the issues addressed in the pictures given.
• The entries should be such that they motivate people to take initiatives and fight for the social cause depicted.
• You are permitted to form teams of one or two members maximum.
• No person can be part of more than one team.
• Only one entry is permitted per team.

Format Specifications:

• If you are sending in a write-up, it should be in MS Word Doc format and should not exceed
a word limit of 250 words. Entries exceeding the limit would be disqualified.
• If you are sending in a poster, it should be in JPEG format.
• Name of the file should be WriteUp_rollnum for write-ups or Poster_rollnum for posters
(The roll number of any one of the team members would suffice)
• The entries are to be mailed to
• The subject of the mail has to be MADF Contest_rollnum (The roll number of any one of the
team members would suffice)
• The body of the mail should clearly specify the contact details of the team members including roll numbers.

Decision of the judges shall be final and binding and questions in this regard will not be entertained. MADF reserves the right to use your entries in any of its publications.

There is no entry fee for the event.

The deadline for the contest is 05-07-08, 23:59:59 and the results will be announced during the
MADF Open House.

Prizes and certificates to be given away! Hurry!

For any queries please contact:

Tripti 9910194578
Rakesh 9911962668

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