Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ingram Computer Classes

In order to further our association with Ingram School at for deaf and mute children, we asked the Principal, Mr. Pathak regarding the kind of help we could provide the school. Mr Pathak told us that the children had the option of appearing for Computers as a vocational subject in their 10th Boards. However, they were facing problems with lack of qualified faculty to teach them the practical aspects of the course. Hence, MADF proposed stepping in to give the 9th and 10th standard students of the school practical training in computers.

The project involves weekly classes involving 14 students at the school. Language is a barrier which often makes the going slow, but the effort these students are willing to put in to learn is eye-opening. As a volunteer for the classes put it “It’s a joy to work with these students. The amount of enthusiasm they exhibit and the effort they are willing to put is admirable.”

The classes are to continue till March end. By then, we hope the students would have learned to enough to sit for their board exams in April. We at MADF are proud to assist these students in their endeavour to make a self-sufficient life for themselves.

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